Contemporary Scene Study

The class will be contemporary scenes from Therese Rebeck to Tennessee Williams. And everything in between! The work will be Meisner based, but there will be no repetition.

A NOTE FROM PATRICK: Scenes will be supplied supply for the Actors. However, if anyone wants to bring in a scene they want to work on within the perimeters of the class they may do so. I will have final say on what scenes I feel will be appropriate to work on. The scenes will be any where from 8 to 10 minutes long. We will approach the scenes in the same way I work when directing a play with actors who come from different methods of training. We will explore all the possibilities to do our best work and tell the best stories.

Instructor: Patrick Thornton

Prerequisite: Admission by Instructor Approval

Upcoming Classes:


PRICE: $300

WHERE: OUR NEW STUDIO LOCATION, 3054 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago IL 60618